Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm learning so much...

Sidenote: I love school! If there was one thing I could just do for the rest of my life -- I would pick school. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I am a really great student (not that I am the smartest) and I make amazing grades. I have been known to freak out over assignments and cry over grades that I felt were "unfair" but, today... my knowledge has reached a whole new level.

Let me share:

As I was walking to class today I noticed something written in sidewalk chalk (this is not uncommon but, I actually read it this time). I felt like my eyes had been open to the world and this is what it said....


I don't know why I laughed -- but, the thought of it still being entertained in my mind and hopefully one day I can instill that fear in our children....(or not).

Happy early Halloween and remember -- if a monster comes knocking on your door tomorrow don't worry -- it could be worse.


RACHEL said...

ha ha that is funny!!! hey have you read the twilight series yet? i just finished another book that was good but i didn't know it was only book one!! so it didn't end and i was like what!?!?!

Sofia L said...

hahaha, that's awesome. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about STD's.